Rishi Agrawal



I am currently a freshmen at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai persuing B.tech in CSE with specialisation in AI and ML. I am taking up many online courses to keep me updated as well as applying all the knowladge I gained into projects.I have aim to find efficient solutions to problems which are present in real world and spread my knowledge to all.

ML/DL/RL & App Developer.

My main area of interest is to develop multiplatform applications that have potential of AI/ML in them.

  • Birthday: 26 September 2001
  • Blog: MyBlog
  • Phone: +91 9579608295
  • City: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

What I'm Doing

Here is the overview of what all I am doing for my career.


Programming Languages Proficient

Python,C,MatLAB,JavaScript and Java



Under app devlopment


Events/Workshops/Training Sessions Attended

This includes oncampus as well as off campus


Hackathons attended

#3 in RUSH 3.0 organised by SRMIST, Ramapurum


Technical skills are the most important thing companies are looking at and I have a great knowledge and I am ready to take over.

C 80%
JavaScript 50%
Machine Learning50%
Deep Learning 20%
Web development 55%

Non-Technical Skills

Technical skills are the most important but Non-Technical Skills are also important in a persons life.

Communication 90%
Team Management 100%
Planning 85%
Learning 95%




Innovative, creative and full of energy to take up any work with pleasure.I get many failures but I never give up.

  • Chennai,Tamil Nadu,India
  • +91 9579608295
  • rishiagrawal2609@gmail.com


B.tech in CSE & specialization in AI and ML

2019 - 2023

SRM Institute of Science and Technology,Ramapuram,Chennai,India

Currently I am studing here persuing my B.tech degree

Professional Experience

Internship and Traning in Applied Machine Learning and Data science

March 2020 - Present

IIT Kanpur, India

  • I learned here the basic foundation of machine learning in a very practical way and complete dept.
  • Here, I learned to interact with community, got exposer of IIT's and take back great experience with me.
  • Worked on variour research paper already published and tried to improve their efficiency


Jan 2020- present

FnPlus (open-source Organization)

  • Exchanged knowledge with with all the members in the community
  • Helped other members in various aspect under my Proficient languages.
  • Starting to contribute on various open source projects.

Areas of Interest

Below are the some of the fields I have experience or learning this

App development(Android)

I have a great experiance in buliding apps using android studio. I have learned the basics from Udacity and making more efficent by practicing and creating projects.

App Development(Cross Platform)

I have just started with it. I am using react native and angular.js for building simple web apps which can work cross platform i.e. Android, iOS and windows.


I have experiance in using cloud services for the AWS challanges and Azure workshops. I can handle may tools in cloud services like AWS Sagemaker and Azure cognitive libraries and chatbot

Machine Learning

I am learning Machine Learning via Coursera's Stanford Univercity Course Machine Learning and Udemy's Applied machine learning course

research paper and projects

I am trying to recreate the research papers and trying to get more enhanced results.

Blog Writing

I write blogs to share my knowledge with others so that they can get inspired and I try to explain it in very simple Language so that it will become beginners friendly.


For any quries or any type of communication contact me on following details


+91 9579608295


SRMIST,Ramapurum,Chennai 600089